The Author

The Author
The Author


Monday, June 14, 2010

My comments:

These are my comments to Rabbi Brous' excellent article about the current situation in Gaza:
Dear Rabbi Brous,
"A Narrowing of Heart and Mind: The American Jewish Response to the Flotilla"

Finally a voice of reason.

As a liberal Jew, with strong emotional ties to Israel, while also being a "progressive", I have felt uneasy with both extremes: The left that hates Israel no matter what and the traditional "Conservative" (either Jewishly or politically or both), on the other side with a close to racist view towards Arabs and accepting every single step any and all Israeli government takes.
Finally, someone who realizes that one can have a strong commitment to Israel and still not buy everything coming from Jerusalem. Jews who buys everything from every Israeli government - whether Labor or Likkud - keep forgetting one of the strongest argument FOR Israel, namely that Israel is a Democracy and we have elections and, as a consequence, sometimes we have Administrations we like and sometimes we have those we cannot sympathize with, that's just par for the course.

Having said all that - I feel that it is very important to counter all the hate that has been displayed since the unfortunate flotilla raid.
Maybe the tragedy was avoidable, but the one-sidedness that has dominated media should not be left unchallenged. In Europe, where the Anti-Israel sentiments have been building the last 20 yrs, it is almost a lost cause. Here in the US, we need to make people understand that one can be progressive and defend the Jewish People's right to a homeland, at the same time.

It is truly a challenge and I am glad to see that you picked up that challenge!


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