No, I am not that naive: I don’t think that everything is going to be just peachy, now that The Republicans and Rumsfeld are gone. Of course not. But there is reason to look at the results positively, after all: For the last 12 years the country has going backwards in a speedy fashion. The dark forces seemed to have gained insurmountable control. It was getting darker and darker. A woman's right to choose was threatened (and still is), BS was being taught in schools, NSA - more and more unsupervised - allowed to play like kids on a school yard. The line between the government and Christian Fundamentalists was blurred, new crusades on behalf of Karl rove and the dark establishment was being launched (under the guise of Sept 11), And so on.... This country was going in the wrong direction. That is an understatement. So, what's going to happen now? Is there really a difference between the Democrats and the Republicans? A difference that would make a difference? I think one has to look at the election results as if the American people was hitting the brakes on a vehicle that was sliding way too far to the right. They just said:
"ohhhh, that's far enough!"
Whether anything good is going to happen, we don't know, but at least it hopefully won't get worse. (Thursday, November 09, 2006)
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