Screaming Tea Party (and many Dems)are falling for the old Reagan one-liner:
"Government is not the solution, Government is the problem"
Let's see what the country would look like without he Government:
Good Morning: You are going to work. Don't forget to fill your pockets with coins and bills. Remember there are no public roads, all are toll roads, every foot! All roads are private!
Don't forget to take your kids to school. Private schools, that is. If you cannot pay for Private Schools, your kids may just be home, or roam the malls, or join a gang. School tuition - from Kinder-garden through College - are going through the roof. Hope you make enough money to put your kids though ANY school!
Workplace Accident:
OK. So, you are at work, a friend injured himself and needs to go to the Hospital. All hospitals are 100% private and no provision to help anyone at the ER who cannot pay! Remember, that provision was created through the Government, now the hospitals are free to just deny anyone healthcare as they see fit.
Sept 11 happened:
It is Sept 12, and you are mad as hell at these terrorists who murdered 3000 people. You want to do something! You want to hit someone! You are going out of your mind! If we only had a military force that could launch an attack on the country that harbored and nurtured these criminals. But, oh, no, we got rid of the Government and so there is no Military! Although people who want to reduce the reduce the enormous Military spending (More than the entire rest of the world combined!) are accused of “not supporting the troops”, most people realize that the bulk of the almost trillion dollars per year we spend on the Military doesn’t go “to the troops” (as they say), but to military contractors and industries.
But no government means No Government, right? We don’t want to accuse the Republicans of being hypocritical. We either say “No Government” or we don’t. Or is it OK with Government, as long as we spend the money on the things they like?
Presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann asked the Government for millions and millions of dollars for projects in her home state (while at the same time accusing the Dems and the President of, quote "an orgy of spending”
Example: The Big Lake Rail Park project. Michele Bachmann asked for money from the Federal Government, because, “it could” as she wrote, “create up to 1500 jobs”.
Watch this for more info
Now, Government is good for some things, apparently!
This is why this country is broken.
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