The Author

The Author
The Author


Sunday, July 24, 2011

In response to Republican foolishness

Bryson wrote on someone's Facebook Page:

"It is Now time for Obama the Leader to solve it , but when the liberal masses want to ignore it with kick it down the road tax and spend policies from the 60's .. We Are All Doomed !!"

Listening to you is like hearing when Jay Leno on his Jaywalking and asking people "Who did we fight in the Civil War?" and the person says: "Adolf Hitler". That is about the level.

The deficit is there because massive amounts of money has been redirected from ordinary people to the 1% of the richest people in this country in the last 10 years. The 400 richest families now own more than the ALL the rest put together. And when people drape themselves in the FLAG and say "Let's support our troops" - they are really saying: "Let's spend $700 billion (!) per year to defense contractors. The entire world's defense spending doesn't even come near one year of US defense spending.
And when the Republicans "agree" to revenue increase, the senator from Arizona said today on TV, he was willing to raise fees(!) - that hit ordinary folks much more than anyone else. Of course, they don't want to let the Bush tax cuts for the top 1% ever expire, because, as Boehner puts it: "The American People don't want massive tax hikes".

You have to learn to translate their language to what it really means!
"We don't want to want job-killing tax hikes" means: "The people who paid for me to get here don't want to pay their fair share of taxes"
"We must cut spending" means "People without food, health care, housing and influence can take care of themselves, as long as we don't cut in the tax give-aways for corporate jets and tax cuts for billionaires"
Learn the language! Learn to translate!

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