The Author

The Author
The Author


Monday, December 13, 2010

Poor Haiti

Poor Haiti!

Bad luck comes in threes:
First, they had the Earthquake that killed thousands
Then the horrible outbreak of cholera. Again. over 2000 dead.
And then the third blow: A visit by Sarah Palin

How much can one nation take?

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Even a blind man could see this

Even a blind man could see the hypocrisy in Congress these days: They are debating continuing the tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires while cutting off support for the long-term unemployed. The Bush Tax extension for the wealthiest 2% will add about $700 Billion to the deficit. And this is by folks who say we must cut the deficit.....

What are they thinking and who are paying them to think that way?
No wonder people's respect for politicians is at an all time low.
No wonder that the voting participation is among the lowest in the world. People just don't care anymore.
Write your congressperson? Well, may that will do something. But who knows.