One of the major polls that show that Robin Carnahan is behind Blunt in the MO Senate race did NOT ask the following:
1) voters under the age of 35 - 2) minorities - and 3) urban areas.
These are three areas where Carnahan should be much stronger than in MO as a whole. People who think that the race is over should realize that is only over if you give up. The $6 million outside groups (including $3+ million from Karl Rove's group) meant that Blunt outspent Carnahan 3.5:1.
Do your thing and vote! Check it out here !
This Blog is about politics in America - and about the conflict in the Middle East. The Israeli-Palestinian is decades, if not centuries, old, struggle for control of a tiny, little piece of land, smaller than the State of New Jersey.... Fair and balanced refers to media's one-sidedness that has increased the last 20 yrs or so.